8 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi

Second Article Reflection Spring Semester

‘’ At Home with Mamma’’

This article, at home with mamma, is about many Italian men’s staying with their family at home. It shows us advantages of staying home with family and Italians’ feelings about the subject. The writer gives many examples and statistics. This makes the writing much more reliable. According to writing, they believe that living at home with their parent is more advantageous than living alone. For example, in the article, a man says that ‘’ I have fewer expenses and my mother still brings me coffee in bed each morning. ‘’ This shows us that the reason of staying at home with family is both financial and sentimental.
 Many boys in Italy also think that living at home is much easier than living alone. This phenomenon has psychological and cultural roots according to writer. I believe that men tend to live with their family because they usually are not capable of doing household chores. The writer a mentions that the sincere relationship between Italian young men and their mother has an important influence on their choice of staying at home .He or she also says that many women in Italy also prefer to stay home with their family instead of living alone until they get married. According to Italian culture leaving one’s parents at an early age - before marriage – gives rise to suspicions that something in the family is not working. This also causes many boys to prefer living at home with their family.

To sum up, there are a lot of reasons and advantages to live home with family. I also think that living at home with family is much easier and more advantageous in terms of financial and sentimental. 

1 yorum:

  1. Dear Helin:)
    You chose one of my favorite articles to write about and I congratulate you:) Actually I like your writing because you divided your writing into small paragraphs which makes your witing easy for reading.The only mistake that I could see is 'the writer a mentions' . I think you added 'a' by mistake and it is not important. Thank you for your sharings:)
